Aquinas Writing Advantage
High School Courses
Get an Overview of the AWA High School Courses -- Including Foundations, Advanced Academic Writing, Fiction Writing, Business Writing, and More -- And Help Your Student Get Exceptional Writing Skills...

All of the Aquinas Writing Advantage courses are…
- Unique — Not like any other program’s content — because each foundational skills is separated and mastered — allowing your student to focus on mastering one skill at a time
- Back-designed — With course content “worked backward” through the entire program from what your student needs “at the very end,” for college-level writing
- Linear — Taught “in a line,” with each course building to the next, and the entire program designed for you with complete continuity
- Simplified — So there are no struggles, and your student learns easily
- Expert — With fast how-to tips and specific, detailed instruction that only comes from higher-level curriculum designed by university-level experts and professional writing instructors’ expertise.
Because the courses are unique, back-designed, linear, simplified, and expertly designed and taught, your student can understand how to write with the highest level of skill — and learn to enjoy writing.
To go to a specific section, click on a title below -- or simply scroll down the page, to find courses for your high school student.
Foundations Courses
Your foundational 9th-12th grade English and Writing courses -- for all students, to master the writing fundamentals needed for college and beyond
Advanced Academic Writing Courses
Exceptional, advanced writing course for the college-bound student
Advanced Fiction Writing Courses
Exceptional, advanced fiction writing courses for those entering writing, literature, the humanities, and high critical-thinking courses of study in college -- especially the future author, poet, and film/television screenwriter
Business Writing Courses
Exceptional journalism and business-focused courses, to get successful job skills now

Your 9th-12th grade courses cover exactly what you need to be fully prepared for college and beyond…
The High School Foundations courses cover the most indispensable and necessary skills to make high school and college writing clear and easy.
Your Simplified Writing Courses
The 9-Series “Foundations” Courses
Grade Level: Suggested 9th
How it’s laid out…
With the Simplified Writing courses, you can make sure your student knows the most important foundational skills of writing at the high school level, to be able to move forward confidently into all upper-level writing.
How it’s laid out…
*To see the in-depth course content, click on the course number above or in the grid below.
Each “semester” contains two courses. Together, the four courses (2 + 2) cover one full year of English and writing with content that specifically tackles writing techniques and university-prep content that isn’t taught anywhere else.
Why it’s important to take the 9-Series courses...
The 9-Series courses are essential to all upcoming courses — with rare tips to write faster, solidify upper-level punctuation and grammar, and get new ways to think about writing that makes writing easier. Be sure to take these prerequisite courses, because what’s taught here is different — not like any other program. Students learn special terms, tips, and ways to think about writing that are used throughout the entire Foundations program (9-12th grades).
Fom crafting more advanced paragraphs to different paper “shapes,” your student learns the techniques of essays and papers with quick how-to instruction and template-style thinking. Students learn quick four-step thesis statement creation, summary and paraphrase how-to’s, and how to brainstorm and organize ideas faster to write complete essays more quickly. Through the year, your student learns the critical truth that writing is a process — and that he or she can navigate the entire writing process with simple steps.
This is how the 9-Series Foundations courses
fit together...
Your Vocabulary and Writing Courses
The 10-Series “Foundations” Courses
Grade Level: Suggested 10th
What you get...
With the Vocabulary and Writing courses, your student learns over 750 vocabulary words in one year — vocabulary that’s important for succeeding in college-level writing, literature, and college entrance exams. Your student also gets weekly writing practice with those words, along with memory training and studying tips that enhance critical thinking.
How it’s laid out…
*To see the in-depth course content, click on the course number above or in the grid below.
Each “semester” contains one course. Together, the two courses cover one full year of English and writing.
Why it’s important to take the 10-Series courses...
With the Vocabulary and Writing courses, your student learns over 750 vocabulary words in one year — so you can make sure your student knows the most important vocabulary for college-level writing, literature, and college-level entrance exams.
In writing, it’s essential to think clearly — so the first semester teaches higher-level learning techniques, memory techniques (memorizing and being able to use the 750 words), and critical thinking techniques, too. Throughout the whole year, your student practices writing in short bursts, using critical thinking and reasoning to craft powerful paragraphs and short-writing forms that increase your student’s overall writing skills.
This is how the 10-Series Foundations courses
fit together...
Your Creative Writing & Literary Form Fiction Writing Courses
The 11-Series “Foundations” Courses
Grade Level: Suggested 11th
What you get...
With the Fiction Writing courses, your student learns how fiction writing and literary form work together in narrative writing — with his or her own how-to, on-the-ground fiction writing experience — a powerful, experiential way to understand and gain the skills that apply to both academic and creative forms. Under the fun, exploratory writing of “creating your own book and story,” students learn first-hand the elements that make literary form great — and become better writers through ways that only narrative writing can powerfully influence skill and style.
How it’s laid out…
*To see the in-depth course content, click on the course number above or in the grid below.
Each LIVE course semester contains one (1) 12-week course. Together, the two 11-Series courses above cover one full year of English and writing.
The RECORDED 11-Series Creative Writing and Literary Form Foundations courses* are also taught in the recorded, Unlimited Access classroom. The recorded courses are laid out in six (6) courses, four weeks long each, including
HS 11-1, Fiction Writing 1: Plot & Structure
HS 11-2, Fiction Writing 2: Description & Setting
HS 11-3, Fiction Writing 3: Characters & Dialogue
HS 11-4, Fiction Writing 4: Theme, Style, & Point of View
HS 11-5, Fiction Writing 5: Conflict & Creating the Breakout Novel
HS 11-7, Fiction Writing 7: Writing the Short Story
*To see the in-depth course content, click on the course number above or in the grid below.
In the Unlimited Access recorded courses, each semester contains three (3) four-week courses, for the same total of 12 weeks of learning as the LIVE courses. When you add the two semesters together, your student earns one full year of English and writing. The four-week recorded courses are taught by the designer and director, Erin M. Brown, who has an MFA (terminal degree) in creative writing (genre fiction).
Why it’s important to take the 11-Series courses...
With the Fiction Writing courses, your student learns narrative writing first-hand — while understanding the elements of literary form for high school and college literature analysis.
Creative writing isn’t just for English majors and future authors. Creative writing is for ALL students — because narrative writing helps develop the highest levels of critical thinking, creativity, and overall communication skills. The skills of creative, narrative writing apply to all writing — and give communications skills that are key to a successful future in academics, relationships, careers, and life.
This is how the 11-Series Foundations courses
fit together...
Your Advanced College Prep Courses
The 12-Series “Foundations” Courses
Grade Level: Suggested 12th
What you get...
The senior-level, advanced Rhetoric and Writing academic courses cover everything you need to write exceptionally well in college and beyond. Courses cover the nine forms of rhetoric (with writing in each form), multiple figures of speech (with writing in the figures), methods for and practice with creating advanced essays and papers, research methods for argumentative and comparison and contrast papers, citations and style guides, and more.
How it’s laid out…
*To see the in-depth course content, click on the course number above or in the grid below.
Each “semester” contains one course. Together, the two courses cover one full year of English and writing.
Why it’s important to take the 12-Series courses...
The content in the advanced 12-Series courses is critical to succeeding in college writing. In addition, though the course is not currently certified by the College Board, the content in the combined Vocabulary and Writing and 12-Series courses is comparable to Advanced Placement English Language and Composition (for independently taking the College Board AP English Language and Composition test for potential college credit).
Students performing well in the 12-Series courses often test out of first year college writing courses. If your student is going to college, the 12-Series courses are for you.
This is how the 12-Series Foundations courses
fit together...

Your advanced Academic Writing Excellence courses -- For next-level college prep learning and top-of-the-class skills…
The High School Advanced Academic Writing courses give your student the edge for college writing success. Prerequisites apply.
What you get...
These senior-level, pre-college, and first-year college-level writing courses give your student mastery of the writing skills needed to be highly successful in all college courses. The Advanced Academic Excellence courses* are one-semester courses to specifically master first year college-level writing. Your courses include
HS X-5 (COLL), Punctuation and Grammar II
COLL-1 (COLL), Essay Test Mastery for College-Bound Students
*To see the in-depth course content, click on the course number above or in the grid below.
Each course covers one full semester of English and writing. Check the catalog for whether a course is offered LIVE or recorded (in Unlimited Access).
Why it’s important to take the Advanced Academic Writing courses...
The content in the advanced, college-prep courses ensures that your student can leave behind any writing struggles before entering college.
The Punctuation and Grammar II course helps your student master advanced punctuation in multi-layer, multiple-idea sentences and paragraphs. The essay writing course gives your student strategies for answering timed essay tests for college entry exams and in-class essay writing.
This is how the Advanced Academic, College-Prep courses
fit together...

Your Literary Excellence courses -- For next-level creation and professional-level creative writing skills…
With the High School Advanced Fiction Writing and Poetic Forms courses, your student can “get the edge” in college literature and writing success. Future authors, poets, and screenwriters can gain the professional-level knowledge needed to succeed in the published world. Some prerequisites apply.
What you get...
These Writing Excellence courses give your student creative writing mastery for college literary courses; help your student dig into creativity and bring joy into writing; and, for the one who dreams of being published, create a professional-level foundation for future writing endeavors.
What’s available for you…
The Literary Excellence courses* are one- and two-semester courses to specifically master advanced creative writing. Your courses include
HS 11-6, Authoring a Book, Part I: How it Works, What it Takes, and How to Succeed
HS 11-7, Writing the Short Story
HS 11-8, Authoring a Book, Part II: Perfecting the Query and Synopsis
HS X-9, The Hero’s Journey and Mythic Structure for Writers I
HS X-10, The Hero’s Journey and Mythic Structure for Writers II
HS X-11, Screenwriting I
HS X-12, Screenwriting II
HS X-13, Introduction to Poetry
HS X-14, Poetry 1: Joining the Great Tradition
HS X-15, Fiction Writing Workshop
HS X-16, Screenwriting Workshop
HS X-17, Comedy Writing: Comedy and Humor in Literature and Life, Part I
HS X-18, Comedy Writing: Comedy and Humor in Literature and Life, Part II
HS X-19, Write Your Own Science Fiction/Fantasy Short Story
*To see the in-depth course content, click on the course number above or in the grid below.
Each course covers one full semester of English and writing. Check the catalog for whether a course is offered LIVE or recorded (in Unlimited Access).
Who Should Take the Advanced Fiction Writing courses...
Some say that these Advanced Fiction Writing courses are “magic” — giving your student a love of writing that no other type of writing can bring. If your student needs to kindle the fire of an enjoyment of writing, then these courses are for you.
For creatives who dream of being published, these courses are a lifeline to professional foundations and secrets to success. Taught by highly-skilled, published writers and artists currently working in publishing, television, film, and more — these courses are designed especially for the student who wants to be ahead in college literature, college writing, and the professional performance-based arts. A number of students who have taken the advanced courses are now published writers and authors.
This is how the Advanced Fiction Writing AND
Expressive & Poetic Forms courses fit with
all of the Advanced Writing Excellence courses…

Your Business Writing skills -- for the high school student who wants to be prepared…
The Business Writing courses — designed as both Writing Excellence courses (additional courses for additional skills) or as an alternate track to the 11-Series Creative Writing and Literary Form/Fiction Writing courses during the 11th grade year. These courses give your student the edge for job preparation and professional writing skills. If you simply want the skills of business writing and you’re in the 10th-12th grade, the course is open to you.
What you get...
The business writing courses cover business writing such as professional correspondence, resumes, cover letters, journalism and news reporting, and more.
How it’s laid out…
*To see the in-depth course content, click on the course number above or in the grid below.
Each “semester” contains one course. Together, the two courses cover one full year of English and writing.
Why it’s important to take the Business Writing courses...
If you want to be able to craft professional business letters, resumes and cover letters, reports and memos — then the Professional Business Writing Essentials course is for you. If you want to experience how journalists think, write, and create — exploring the genre of reporting ethical news and writing reportive stories to be read by others — then Journalism is the course for you.
Business writing prepares you for the future, gives confidence in presenting yourself to others well, and creates competence for professional writing as an independent young adult.
This is how the Advanced Fiction Writing AND
Expressive & Poetic Forms courses fit with
all of the Advanced Writing Excellence courses…
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Get an Overview of the Courses
To see an overview of ALL the Middle School Courses…
To see how ALL the courses, Middle and High School, fit together…