Advanced Rhetoric & Writing 1:
Rhetoric, Figures of Speech,
Essays, & Papers
Suggested Grade Level: 12th grade
Join this advanced college-prep writing course and learn how to write in the nine rhetorical modes, with dozens of rhetorical techniques and devices to make your writing strong. Much of this course is equivalent to first-year college writing, so you can get what it takes to write excellent college-level essays and papers now. Be sure to sign up for 12-2 for a complete year of senior-level college-prep writing.

Your Course Description
Give your teen the advanced skills to make writing strong and clear. In this course, your student will learn how to use foundational college writing skills—including in-depth use of the nine basic forms of rhetoric (rhetorical modes); identifying and using major rhetorical strategies and figures of speech; and pre-writing, drafting, and editing a comparison and contrast paper. Students will also use advanced writing methods for a paper’s hook, thesis, introduction, body, conclusion, and key rewriting skills with specific, individual feedback from the instructor. Vocabulary related to upper-level writing will be introduced and integrated into the learning. Specific class time will be used to show how to edit and revise upper-level work. This course content is prerequisite for many colleges for college-bound students.
Your Course Outline
Class 1: The academic paper; advanced academic writing with strong thesis statement construction, hooks, and introductions
Class 2: Rhetorical Mode 1, Narration; rhetorical strategies and figures of speech (tropes, aposiopesis, apostrophe, chiasmus, epithet)
Class 3: Rhetorical Mode 2, Comparison and Contrast; creating a thesis and hook for your academic paper
Class 4: Rhetorical Mode 3, Illustration and Exemplification; rhetorical strategies and figures of speech (litotes, zeugma, euphemism, idiom)
Class 5: Rhetorical Mode 4, Description; drafting your academic paper’s outline
Class 6: Rhetorical Mode 5, Process Analysis; rhetorical strategies and figures of speech (hyperbole, metonymy, metaphor, mixed metaphor, extended metaphor); prewriting for academic papers
Class 7: Rhetorical Mode 6, Definition; rhetorical strategies and figures of speech (bathos, caricature, deus ex machina, epiphany); your paper’s rough draft
Class 8: Rhetorical Mode 7, Cause and Effect; advanced methods of draft revision 1
Class 9: Rhetorical Mode 8, Division and Classification; advanced methods of draft revision 2; formatting advanced academic works — and introduction to style guides
Class 10: Rhetorical Mode 9, Argumentation; integrating rhetorical strategies into upper-level writing
Your Course Details
Total Number of Classes: 10
Prerequisite: Required: High School Essential Writing 1-4 (HS 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, & 9-4).
Because this is an advanced course that assumes your student has key writing foundations and the advanced writing how-to’s in place that are specifically taught at Aquinas Writing Advantage (AWA), 9-1 through 9-4 writing courses are required prerequisites.
Recommended: High School Vocabulary and Writing 1 & 2 (HS 10-1 & 10-2).
Students may take the prerequisites in Unlimited Access recording or LIVE. An alternative to the prerequisite: a passing assessment from the Aquinas Writing Advantage Assessment service. Please contact [email protected] for any questions on permissions.
Suggested Grade Level: 10th to 12th grade, as long as the student has the required prerequisites.
Duration: 55 minutes
Suggested Credit: One (1) full semester’s credit for Advanced Writing or English
Course Materials: Simplified Writing 101: Top Secrets for College Success, by Erin Brown Conroy:
Buy the hard copy of the book here: http://amzn.to/2FMCose
OR, buy the Kindle version of the book here (Download the FREE Kindle app to easily read on your computer, tablet, or mobile device): https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00B7AB90W/catholictreas-20
Microsoft Word or the ability to convert a document to a Word-compatible document is required. If you do not own Microsoft Word, you can use a system such as Google Docs that converts to Word documents FREE.
Homework: Students will have weekly writing assignments with grading and direct feedback from the instructor. Estimate four (4) to five (5) hours per week for homework (outside of class time); this includes reading, writing, and responding to instructor feedback.
How this course fits with your other High School Writing courses...
Fall Semester | Spring Semester | ||
9-1 | 9-2 | 9-3 | 9-4 |
10-1 | 10-2 | ||
11-123 | 11-457 | ||
12-1* | 12-2** |
** The 12-1 and 12-2 courses are consecutive courses. To create a full year of High School Writing at the 12th grade level, sign up for the 12-2 course when you sign up for the 12-1 course.
Your Instructors
Live, Interactive Courses
During the week, multiple course sections, times, and instructors are offered for this course. Sign up for the time and the instructor that best meets your needs. Click here to see the days and instructors for the LIVE course offerings — and to sign up for a LIVE course.
Recorded, Independent-Learning Course
When you sign up for Unlimited Access and take this recorded course, your instructor is the designer and Director of Aquinas Writing Advantage, Erin M. Brown, MA, MFA (aka author EB Conroy/Erin Brown Conroy).
Three Sign Up Options (Choose One)
1. Live, Interactive Course
Students attend a LIVE class in a virtual classroom on a specific day, at a specific time. After class (during the week), the student independently completes the coursework that includes readings, activities, and weekly quizzes. Quizzes are graded automatically by the computer for instant feedback. Written assignments are graded with feedback by the instructor. Your instructor is also available for communication outside of class via email, to help answer questions. Homework time outside of class is estimated to be two to three hours per week.
2. Unlimited Access: Recorded, Independent-Learning Course
When you take the Recorded course, you will independently view the recorded video lesson and complete the coursework in the learning management system. Quizzes in the course are graded automatically by the computer for instant feedback. If choosing to not use Instructor Access, grading with feedback is provided by the parent; however, Instructor Access grading is available (see below). There is an estimated two to three hours of homework/coursework per week outside of watching the weekly video lecture.
When you get “Unlimited Access,” you get 24/7 access to ALL of the writing courses — AND access to 400+ middle and high school courses, in all subject areas, for only $34.97 a month.
3. Unlimited Access with Instructor Access Grading Services
Instructor Access is an optional service, for an additional fee, that accompanies Unlimited Access. When you sign up for one-on-one tutoring with Instructor Access, in addition to the weekly quizzes that are graded automatically by the computer for instant feedback, your student will receive one-on-one help via email with the professional writing instructor. The Instructor Access instructor will grade the work submitted, and there is an estimated three to four hours per week for homework for your student outside of watching the video lecture. If you’d like Instructor Access, once you sign up for Unlimited Access, you’ll receive email instructions on how to sign up.
Specific Course FAQs
Is this course required? Can I skip this course?
This course is foundational for preparing the student for college-level writing. If a student plans on attending any level of college, university, or specialized post-high school training (any major), take this course to be prepared and make college-level writing easier.
Can I start the 12-1 course in the Spring Semester?
The LIVE 12-1 course is only offered in the Fall Semester; the LIVE 11-2 course is only offered in the Spring Semester. If you want to take the 12-1 course in the Spring Semester, then sign up for the course in Unlimited Access (take the recorded version).
Can I take another writing course at the same time?
Yes! With the shorter, single-area courses here at Aquinas Writing Advantage, many students take two separate writing courses during a semester. And because the 12-Series courses are often taken the final year before graduating high school, the student may want (or need) additional writing preparation before finishing high school.
Courses that “fit well” with this course include the advanced fiction writing courses (The Hero’s Journey, Screenwriting, Comedy Writing, and Poetry), the High School Punctuation and Grammar 2 course (to ensure strong punctuation and grammar skills), Journalism, and Business Writing. Students planning on moving directly to a career or vocational training will benefit from the Business Writing course.
Is this course considered an English, Literature, or Writing course?
This is an English and Writing course that prepares your student for college-level writing.
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