Advanced Fiction Writing:
Screenwriting Workshop --
Mastering the Art of Revising
Your Screenwriting
Suggested Grade Level: 8th to 12th grade
Strengthen your screenplay with a professional editor and other screenwriters when you join this dynamic, hands-on workshopping course to make your story the best it can be. This is the second of two workshops, and because you can work with unique content in both, students are welcome to join both!

Your Course Description
This workshop is an opportunity for writers who have a piece of screenwriting that they want to share to receive feedback from a professional editor/instructor and peers. Students wishing to take the workshop course will need 8 to 12 pages of an original screenplay (TV or Movie) already created by the time the course begins. Each class, students receive a mini-lesson on an aspect of excellent story writing, and then the students and professional editor/instructor heavily analyze the student story submissions. Through in-class discussion of the stories together, detailed feedback is given to help improve writing skills and strengthen the story. Students are expected to submit a piece of their own work for feedback and provide/engage in feedback for others’ works. Each author is required to take notes as their story is discussed, listening intently. At the end of all feedback, there is a chance for the authors to respond to anything said during the critique and ask questions.
The most important consideration and requirement for all students taking this course is to be constructive when giving feedback, and to keep an open mind toward feedback that is received. After each class session, your professional editor/instructor will have a short meeting with the one or two students whose work was read that day, to check in and go over feedback.
Your Course Outline
Class 1: Discussion – How to Give Feedback; Critiquing – Sample Story
Class 2: Discussion – Character; Critiquing – Student Stories
Class 3: Discussion – Dialogue; Critiquing – Student Stories
Class 4: Discussion – Plot; Critiquing – Student Stories
Class 5: Discussion – Setting & Tone; Critiquing – Student Stories
Class 6: Discussion – Good Writing Practices; Critiquing – Student Stories
Class 7: Discussion – What does it take to be a writer?; Critiquing – Student Stories
Class 8: Discussion – What to do now and how to revise?; Critiquing – Student Stories
Your Course Details
Total Number of Classes: Eight (8)
Prerequisites: None, but some experience with screenwriting preferred. Students must have an 8-10 page original piece of screenwriting to submit for class.
Required Materials:
1) Document Creation
All documents are turned in as Microsoft Word documents. If you do not own Microsoft Word 2007 or a later version, you can use a system such as Google Docs that converts to Word documents FREE.
2) Workshop Submission Piece
Students must submit their Workshop Piece to Instructor Conley’s email ([email protected]) one week prior to the class start date.
Workshop Piece Requirements:
Students bring 8-12 pages of original fiction writing in a PDF screenplay format. If you do not know the standard screenplay format, please email Instructor Conley after you sign up at [email protected]. The writing must be the student’s original work and can be an excerpt from a longer film, short film, or television show, as long as the text meets the length and formatting requirements. Student work is required to be labeled with the student’s name, the class name, and the story’s title or “Workshop Piece” (if the work doesn’t have a title yet). Document submissions are made no later than one week prior to the class start date.
Suggested Credit: One-half (1/2) semester of screenwriting, writing and English or literature and writing.
How this course fits with your other High School Writing Excellence courses...
Fall Semester | Spring Semester | ||
X-5 Punctuation/Grammar II | COLL-1 Mastering College Essay Writing | ||
X-9 Hero's Journey, Part 1 | X-10 Hero's Journey, Part 2 | ||
X-11 Screenwriting, Part 1 | X-12 Screenwriting, Part 2 | ||
11-6 Authoring a Book, Part 1 | 11-8 Authoring a Book, Part 2 | ||
11-7 Writing the Short Story | X-19 SF/Fantasy Short Story | ||
X-15 Fiction Writing Workshop | X-16 Screenwriting Workshop | ||
X-17 Comedy Writing, Part 1 | X-18 Comedy Writing, Part 2 | ||
X-13 Intro to Poetry | X-14 Poetry: Joining the Great Tradition | ||
11-9 Pro Business Writing Essentials | 11-10 Foundations of Journalism |
Your Instructor
This course is available for multiple sessions in the Spring and Summer of each year. Sign up for the time that best meets your needs. Sign up for a LIVE workshop here with the professional editor, instructor, and creator of the course, Robin Conley, MFA.
This course is not available in Unlimited Access, however, there is a Fiction Writing Workshop available in Unlimited Access that can easily be used to revise screenplays. When you sign up for Unlimited Access and take this recorded course, your instructor is the creator of the course, Robin Conley, MFA.
Three Sign Up Options (Choose One)
Students attend a LIVE class in a virtual classroom on a specific day, at a specific time. After class (during the week), the student independently completes the coursework. Your instructor gives feedback on assignments and grades student work; the instructor is available for communication outside of class via email, to help answer questions. Homework time outside of class is estimated to be one to three hours per week, depending on your student’s skills.
When you take the Recorded course, you will independently view the recorded video lesson and complete the coursework in the learning management system. Grading guides are provided, but parents grade all work. There is an estimated one to three hours of homework/coursework per week outside of watching the weekly video lecture.
When you get “Unlimited Access,” you get 24/7 access to ALL of the writing courses — AND access to 400+ middle and high school courses, in all subject areas, for only $34.97 a month.
Instructor Access is an optional service, for an additional fee, that accompanies Unlimited Access. When you sign up for one-on-one tutoring with Instructor Access, the Instructor Access instructor grades the work, gives feedback for improvement, and is available during the week for one-on-one help via email. There is an estimated one to three hoursper week for homework for your student outside of watching the video lecture. If you’d like Instructor Access, once you sign up for Unlimited Access, you’ll receive email instructions on how to sign up.
When you get “Unlimited Access,” you get 24/7 access to ALL of the writing courses — AND access to 400+ middle and high school courses, in all subject areas, for only $34.97 a month.
Specific Course FAQs
Is this course required?
This course is a Writing Excellence course and is an “above and beyond” course from the FOUNDATIONS-DEVELOPMENT-ADVANCED series of 9-12th grade courses. Most of the principles for screenwriting apply to noble writing, so if you’re thinking that you may want to be a published screenwriter or book author, then this course is for you.
Who should take the Workshop courses?
For creatives who dream of being published or want to see their works on film or television, these workshopping courses are essential — so you can get meaningful feedback to help your writing improve now. Taught by a professional writer/editor/instructor with a terminal degree in Creative Writing, Genre Fiction and Screenwriting, this course is designed especially for the student who wants to pursue any part of the creative storytelling industry.
Can I take another writing course at the same time?
Yes! With the shorter, single-area courses here at Aquinas Writing Advantage, many students take two separate writing courses during a semester.
Courses that “fit well” with this course include the foundational fiction courses, advanced fiction courses (Screenwriting, The Hero’s Journey, 11-Series Fiction Writing and Literary Form courses, Fiction Writing Workshops, Comedy Writing, and Poetry), the High School Punctuation and Grammar 2 course (to ensure strong punctuation and grammar skills), Journalism, and Business Writing. This course can also be taken with any foundational high school course.
Is this course considered an English, Writing, or Literature Analysis course?
This course is considered an advanced English and Writing course.
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